
About Rebecca

Rebecca Torosian is an intimacy behavioral therapist who has assisted dozens of men and women in overcoming a range of issues, from sexual shyness and inexperience to premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Her Intimacy Behavioral Therapy ® Program, the only one of its kind, was developed out of her prior work as a certified surrogate partner therapist at The Center for Sexual Recovery in New York and decades as a mind body healing practitioner. Her practice is based on the belief that everyone already possesses what they need to create the lives and relationships they desire; she provides a method to help them manifest it, enabling them to access their authentic selves.

I’ve recently launched my YouTube channel. Here’s the direct link:


How I Work

With all my patients, I begin by establishing trust and building rapport that lessens anxiety. This is a gradual and integrative process that is both structured and in the moment; I gauge the appropriate pace based on the person’s specific needs. From there, I employ a variety of skills that teach new behaviors, replacing old “default” tendencies through practical physical application, coaching, and education.

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Who I Help

I work with men and women, gay, straight, bisexual and transgender. I assist patients in overcoming a range of issues, including:

  • Premature ejaculation
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Late virgins
  • Social/sexual shyness
  • Performance anxiety/lack of confidence and inexperience
  • Sexual shame
  • Trauma and disassociation from sexual abuse
  • Inhibited Sexual Desire (ISD)
  • Body image

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What I Offer

There are three ways to engage my services:

  • A twelve-week Intimacy Behavioral Therapy program designed for those looking to do in-depth work. These are conducted in-person in New York City.
  • A sixteen-week Intimacy Behavioral Therapy program specifically designed to help those who are inexperienced, trauma survivors, as well as those who discover they need more sessions to fully accomplish their goals.
  • Ongoing therapy sessions to continue to address long-term and emerging intimacy issues and needs

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In The Flow – Watch and Heal

I was interviewed by Richard Burns from In The Flow Spiritual Streaming Platform as part of his In The Flow Watch and Heal series.  You can find the entire half hour conversation here:

Senior Sex and the City

I was interviewed by Calliste Weitenberg as part of a segment for an Australian Documentary on SBS Dateline entitled “Senior Sex and the City”.  This is the clip of the show where I appear:,  If you want to see the entire half hour documentary:



Pornography’s effects

Recently, there was an article in The Economist on the effects of pornography entitled: “A user’s manual.”  In one section, they say that studies have found that there is little evidence that addiction is a real outgrowth of a daily pornography diet. I beg to differ. In my experience as an Intimacy Behavioral Therapist, I treat men (and women) of …

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