Happy New Year to all! It’s a blank page for us to fill in and I’d like to propose that you take some time to consider what your goals are for your intimate life. Do you want to be in a new relationship? Do you need skills to make this happen? Whatever happened up to this point in your life …
It’s not rocket science!
Okay, so I know the subject is loaded. But let’s get real…In order for more people to feel free to share their innermost desires and fears, a safe environment needs to be created and maintained. I provide that in my sessions and experience how thirsty my clients are for an opportunity to admit their shame and move on. I keep …
It’s a new day!
So, I’m in the process of getting the whole story out there. This means not only my past work as a sex surrogate therapist but also what I do now as an intimacy expert. Since the release of “The Sessions” and the subsequent interest in what is a sex surrogate I’ve been called to action. From October 31st (since “I …
Published in Salon.com magazine!
Hello! All hallows eve was the date of my first published article at salon magazine on my experience working as a sex surrogate: http://www.facebook.com/l/4AQEwnQZx/www.salon.com/2012/11/01/i_was_a_sex_surrogate/ Enjoy! Open to feedback 🙂
Hello world!
Hello! I am very excited to begin this journey with all of you. I have an extensive background helping men with intimacy issues and am now engaged in teaching women what I’ve learned. It all comes down to communication, right? And though we know this, it seems very challenging to keep this alive in our relationships on a daily basis. …