I’ll start by saying I don’t like to speculate on why people do what they do. However, in regards to the recent shooting in California by the 22-year-old virgin, I am chiming in after all. The reason is that I am a surrogate partner therapist treating a number of “late virgins,” and what I offer has helped many of them …
Author: admin
2014 is the year to get intimate
Happy New Year to all! It’s a blank page for us to fill in and I’d like to propose that you take some time to consider what your goals are for your intimate life. Do you want to be in a new relationship? Do you need skills to make this happen? Whatever happened up to this point in your life …
Ignorance prevails where compassion ought to be
This recent article in the New York Times reveals the lack of knowledge and understanding about the efficacy and necessity of surrogate partner work. What a shame that in France of all places they still don’t get it. This past winter I was interviewed for French Elle magazine on the disabled and the use surrogate therapy to enable them to …
Radio show
Last week I was on the top rated Canadian show Humble and Fred as part of an expert panel of women discussing men and sexuality. They have an ongoing panel once every month or so like this, so I’ll be back on again. This time (my first) included two women; one who owns an erotic massage place and one of her employees. Since it was my …
SHAME – it’s at the root of it all.
In my field shame is the name of the game. It underlies most of the challenges men and women face when dealing with their intimacy issues. This first came to my attention in a very big way when I began working as a sex surrogate helping men overcome functioning problems: Almost without exception, the root cause had shame of some …
It’s not rocket science!
Okay, so I know the subject is loaded. But let’s get real…In order for more people to feel free to share their innermost desires and fears, a safe environment needs to be created and maintained. I provide that in my sessions and experience how thirsty my clients are for an opportunity to admit their shame and move on. I keep …
The basic need to be touched
Once common thread that keeps appearing in the work that I do is that many people are starving for human touch. For most of us, our day-to-day interactions are devoid of even a casual gentle hug let alone something more committed like a massage. With more and more focus on technology and its numerous ways to distract and entertain it …
a little vulnerability goes a long way
As an intimacy expert aka sex coach I find that one of the most vexing challenges is for folks to speak up and share what they need and want. The dilemma seems to be that many haven’t either experimented enough or haven’t asked themselves what feels right for them in terms of touch. It’s not a simple process and yet …
Sex surrogate therapy works!
I realize that what most of my adult life has been about in terms of work in the world is helping people realize that they have the resources they need to build warm and trusting relationships with one another. Working as a sex surrogate therapist opened my eyes to how powerful the combination of teaching and coaching/guiding can be with all things intimate …
It’s a new day!
So, I’m in the process of getting the whole story out there. This means not only my past work as a sex surrogate therapist but also what I do now as an intimacy expert. Since the release of “The Sessions” and the subsequent interest in what is a sex surrogate I’ve been called to action. From October 31st (since “I …